Empress of the Seas to Bermuda, May 26, 2007
(68 Slides)
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+ Scenes from the water
- Hamilton
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+ Hamilton at Night
+ Spanish Point
+ Flatts
+ Bermuda Scenes
+ Kings Wharf - Dockyard
+ St. George's
+ Customs Dock
Scenes from in and around Hamilton, over several days and different kinds of weather and light.
Water, a valuable commodity in Bermuda.
Taking a rest on the steps of the Cathedral.
Looking down the street at the bus terminal.
Views from the lawn of City Hall and Arts Centre.
Views from the lawn of City Hall and Arts Centre. This scupture is called "The Whopper".
Views from the lawn of City Hall and Arts Centre.
Views from the lawn of City Hall and Arts Centre.
Gas was $1.799 per liter, or almost $7 per gallon!
Not the Royal Caribbean version of Portofino...
and the prices are higher...
Test: Can you spot the cruise ship in this picture of downtown Hamilton?
A closer view... the Norwegian Crown just blends right in!
Some scenes along Front Street farther up from the cruise terminal.
Some scenes along Front Street farther up from the cruise terminal.
Some scenes along Front Street farther up from the cruise terminal.
Flowers along Front Street.
Flowers along Front Street.
Flowers along Front Street.
Album last updated on 07.14.2007 17:06
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Copyright © 2007, Theron P. Keller